Results for 'Joseph A. Rodriguez'

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  1.  42
    Correlation of phenotype with genotype in inherited retinal degeneration.Stephen P. Daiger, Lori S. Sullivan & Joseph A. Rodriguez - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (3):452-467.
    Diseases causing inherited retinal degeneration in humans, such as retinitis pigmentosa and macular dystrophy, are genetically heterogeneous and clinically diverse. More than 40 genes causing retinal degeneration have been mapped to specific chromosomal sites; of these, at least 10 have been cloned and characterized. Mutations in two proteins, rhodopsin and peripherin/RDS, account for approximately 35% of all cases of autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa and a lesser fraction of other retinal conditions. This target article reviews the genes and mutations causing retinal (...)
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    Genetic and functional complexity of inherited retinal degeneration.Stephen P. Daiger, Lori S. Sullivan & Joseph A. Rodriguez - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (3):501-521.
    Recent findings emphasize the complexity, both genetic and functional, of the manifold genes and mutations causing inherited retinal degeneration in humans. Knowledge of the genetic bases of these diseases can contribute to design of rational therapy, as well as elucidating the function of each gene product in normal visual processes.
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  3. An Obligation to Help?Sarah Smolyansky, John H. Adams, May F. Affre, Jaafar Al Fakih, Haider S. Albassam, Daniel O. Asparouhov, Jessica A. Dudley, Joseph Rodriguez & Lauren Ross - unknown
    Is helping those whose subsistence needs are not meet a matter of charity or an obligation? What role should ordinary citizens of developed nations play? In a globalized world, the causes, connections, and responsibilities become complicated. Agriculture subsidies that keep food prices low for many in relatively rich countries may, for example, negatively impact poor farmers in developing countries. Students in Ethics/Philosophy 352 report on their project examining whether, and to what extent, a true obligation to aid exists.
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    The Misleading Vividness of a Physician Requesting Futile Treatment.Colleen M. Gallagher, Jeffrey S. Farroni, Jessica A. Moore, Joseph L. Nates & Maria A. Rodriguez - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (8):52-53.
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  5. Self-reported sleep duration mitigates the association between inflammation and cognitive functioning in hospitalized older men.Joseph M. Dzierzewski, Yeonsu Song, Constance H. Fung, Juan C. Rodriguez, Stella Jouldjian, Cathy A. Alessi, Elizabeth C. Breen, Michael R. Irwin & Jennifer L. Martin - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Las aulas inteligentes en la Universidad.Joseph García Rodríguez & Marta Prat Sabater - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (5):1-13.
    El uso de aulas inteligentes mejora la competencia lingüística del alumnado universitario. Los objetivos de esta investigación son esclarecer cómo están constituidos estos espacios y mostrar la efectividad de los avances metodológicos para promover un aprendizaje colaborativo. Los resultados se obtienen de una encuesta dirigida a diferentes universidades. Se aboga por la elaboración de un e-portafolio como evidencia del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. La propuesta sebasa en la teoría socioconstructivista y en la resolución de problemas relacionadoscon la ortografía. En suma, se (...)
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  7. Islam and Informed Consent: Notes from Doha.Pablo Rodríguez Del Pozo & Joseph J. Fins - 2008 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 17 (3):273-279.
    Informed consent is a perennial topic in bioethics. It has given the field a place in clinical practice and the law and is often the starting point for introductory instruction in medical ethics. One would think that nearly everything has been said and done on this well-worn topic.
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    Ethics consultation as a mental prosthesis: addressing ethical dilemmas in neuropsychiatric disorders.Craig Waldence McFarland, Emily Rodriguez, Julia M. Pace, Joseph E. Brower & Takumi J. Britt - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 51 (1):21-22.
    Neuropsychiatric disorders introduce distinct challenges to clinical decision-making. Affected patients often experience impairments or absences in rationality, lucidity and cogni-emotional capacities, rendering it difficult for them to engage in the decision-making process. In turn, dynamics of the patient-physician relationship become strained, including when physicians employ bioethical principlism or moral case deliberation to arrive at ethically justified courses of action–both of which require sufficient communication and rationality that may be impaired or altogether absent in the presence of psychopathology. The complexity of (...)
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  9. Death, dying and informatics: misrepresenting religion on MedLine. [REVIEW]Pablo Rodríguez del Pozo & Joseph J. Fins - 2005 - BMC Medical Ethics 6 (1):1-5.
    Background The globalization of medical science carries for doctors worldwide a correlative duty to deepen their understanding of patients' cultural contexts and religious backgrounds, in order to satisfy each as a unique individual. To become better informed, practitioners may turn to MedLine, but it is unclear whether the information found there is an accurate representation of culture and religion. To test MedLine's representation of this field, we chose the topic of death and dying in the three major monotheistic religions. Methods (...)
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  10. La revisión de la teoría del sistema jurídico en la tradición positivista: consideraciones en torno al pensamiento de Joseph Raz.José Antonio Seoane Rodríguez - 2006 - In Ramos Pascua, José Antonio, Rodilla González & A. M., El positivismo jurídico a examen: estudios en homenaje a José Delgado Pinto. Salamanca, España: Caja Duero.
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    Misión apostólica y naturaleza del ministerio sacerdotal. Aproximación a la categoría de “misión” en la teología del sacerdocio de Joseph Ratzinger.Antonio Diego Hernández Rodríguez - 2023 - Isidorianum 32 (2):133-161.
    La teología del sacerdocio de Joseph Ratzinger se condensa en un concepto: “misión”. Los clásicos principios de origen, institución, contenido de la misión o sucesión apostólica quedan articulados desde la “misión”. El presente artículo es una aproximación a esta categoría en la teología del teólogo alemán. El presupuesto es la comprensión del sacerdocio que Ratzinger tiene. Tras el mismo, sigue un estudio más específico sobre la comprensión del término “misión”. Este se descubre como un eje que articula dos puntos: (...)
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    A Revision of the Constitutive and Epistemic Coherence Theories in Law.Veronica Rodriguez-Blanco - 2001 - Ratio Juris 14 (2):212-232.
    This paper analyses and criticizes Joseph Raz's attacks on coherentist theories. It is argued that Raz's characterisation of epistemic coherence theories is too narrow and that his criticism of constitutive coherence theories is based on a conceptual mistake in his own description. The study is an indirect argument to rethink coherence theories of law and adjudication within a more powerful framework than that propounded by Raz.
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  13.  22
    Burke y De Maistre: dos respuestas conservadoras a la Revolución francesa.Fernando Rodríguez Doval - 2023 - Estudios filosofía historia letras 21 (147):127.
    La Revolución Francesa alteró profunda mente la vida europea y su influencia no tardó en llegar a América. Muy pronto surgieron frente a ella posturas que se oponían a sus postulados ideológicos y políticos. Dos de estas posturas llaman la atención: la de Edmund Burke y la de Joseph de Maistre. Ambas reacciones cuestionan la Revolución desde una perspectiva conservadora, pero toman caminos diferentes. La de Burke dará origen a un conservadurismo posibilista y procedimental, compatible con el liberalismo, mientras (...)
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  14.  32
    'Genuine' Disagreements: A Realist Reinterpretation of Dworkin.Veronica Rodriguez‐Blanco - 2001 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 21 (4):649-671.
    This article contends that Dworkin's notion of ‘genuine’ theoretical disagreements, which is a fundamental pillar in his criticism of legal positivism and semantic disagreements, requires a realist reinterpretation. This view is defended according to two core arguments. First, a realist reinterpretation of ‘genuine’ theoretical disagreements enables Dworkin to avoid semantic criticisms such as the one advanced by Joseph Raz, who propounds a sophisticated model of criterial semantics to explain theoretical disagreements. Second, to make intelligible the distinction between theoretical and (...)
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  15. Brentano's Uber Aristoteles* Joseph A. Novak.Joseph A. Novak - 1988 - Apeiron 21.
  16.  8
    Maimonides: A Collection of Critical Essays.Joseph A. Buijs - 1990
    The essays in this book deal with philosophical issues in the thought of Maimonides. Included are: The Literary Character of the Guide for the Perplexed by Leo Staus, The Purpose of the Law According to Maimonides by Miriam Galston, and Essence and Existence in Maimonides by Alexander Altmann.
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  17.  40
    A Case of Misplaced Concreteness?Joseph A. Bracken - 2015 - Process Studies 44 (2):259-269.
    The author argues that, while logical rigor requires Whiteheadians to emphasize the ontological priority of the notion of actual entity as a self-constituting subject of experience for the proper understanding of physical reality. Whitehead's understanding of the key category of society in his metaphysics, especially the way that societies and their constituent actual entities reciprocally "constrain " one another's existence and activity and the way that societies are hierarchically ordered to one another within the evolutionary process will presumably have more (...)
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    A closer look at the text of gaudium et spes on marriage and the family.Joseph A. Selling - 1982 - Bijdragen 43 (1):30-48.
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  19. The Diversity of Religions: A Christian Perspective.Joseph A. DiNoia - 1992
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  20. Displaced persons: A human tragedy of world war II.Joseph A. Berger - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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  21.  25
    The metaphysical grounding for a multi-term approach to human nature.Joseph A. Bracken - 1998 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 19 (3):241 - 253.
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    Towards a Transcultural Semiotic.Joseph A. Magno - 1980 - Semiotics:331-338.
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    Introduction to the Study of the Classic of Change, by Chu Hsi [Zhu Xi].Joseph A. Adler - 2002 - Provo, UT, USA: Global Scholarly Publications.
    A bilingual translation of Zhu Xi's 朱熹 Yixue qimeng 易學啟蒙 (1186).
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  24. Beyond decolonial African philosophy: Africanity, Afrotopia, and transcolonial perspectives.Joseph A. Agbakoba & Marita Rainsborough (eds.) - 2024 - New York: Routledge.
    Beyond Decolonial African Philosophy dives into decoloniality discourse, challenging some of its shortcomings and offering alternative perspectives on the nature of Africanity and Afrotopia (Africa's better future) from leading African philosophers. Beginning with an overview of philosophy in contemporary Africa, the first half of the book goes on to critically interrogate and rethink decoloniality's deconstructivist approach. The second half of the book considers a range of alternative new conceptualizations of Afrotopia and Africanity that transcend decolonial theory, drawing on constructivist and (...)
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  25.  5
    Aulus Gellius and Roman Reading Culture: Text, Presence, and Imperial Knowledge in the Noctes Atticae.Joseph A. Howley - 2018 - Cambridge University Press.
    Long a source for quotations, fragments, and factoids, the Noctes Atticae of Aulus Gellius offers hundreds of brief but vivid glimpses of Roman intellectual life. In this book Joseph Howley demonstrates how the work may be read as a literary text in its own right, and discusses the rich evidence it provides for the ancient history of reading, thought, and intellectual culture. He argues that Gellius is in close conversation with predecessors both Greek and Latin, such as Plutarch and (...)
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  26. An inquiry into understanding of truth: a multi-disciplinary perspective.Joseph Ethakuzhy, M. A. & Eugene Newman Joseph (eds.) - 2018 - Bengaluru: Theological Publications in India.
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  27. Re-forming Confucianism: Zhu Xi's Synthesis.Joseph A. Adler - manuscript
    Forthcoming in Jennifer Oldstone-Moore, ed., The Oxford Handbook of Confucianism (New York: Oxford University Press).
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  28. Varieties of spiritual experience: Shen in Neo-Confucian discourse.Joseph A. Adler - 2003 - In Weiming Tu & Mary Evelyn Tucker, Confucian spirituality. New York: Crossroad Pub. Company. pp. 2--120.
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  29. The Acts of the Apostles: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary.Joseph A. Fitzmyer - 1998
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  30. The Original Meaning of the Yijing: Commentary on the Scripture of Change, by Zhu Xi.Joseph A. Adler - 2020 - New York, NY, USA: Columbia University Press.
    A translation of Zhu Xi's 朱熹 Zhouyi benyi 周易本義 (1188).
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  31. Is western civilization declining?Joseph A. Leighton - 1931 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 12 (1):21.
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  32.  14
    Agriculture and the energy-complexity spiral.Joseph A. Tainter - 2016 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39.
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  33.  49
    Metaphorical Circuit: Negotiations Between Literature and Science in 20th Century Japan.Joseph A. Murphy, Shu-Ning Sciban, Fred Edwards, Kim Su-Young, Shin Kyong-Nim, Lee Si-Young, Yi Châ, Patricia Grace, Chris Baker & Mark Sweet - 2013 - Philosophy East and West 63 (2).
  34.  17
    Commentary on Cohen.Joseph A. Novak - unknown
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  35. Descriptive and normative principle (li) in confucian moral metaphysics: Is/ought from the chinese perspective.Joseph A. Adler - 1981 - Zygon 16 (3):285-293.
  36.  65
    Faith, Reason, and Worldviews: A critical response to William Sweet and Hendrik Hart, Responses to the Enlightenment: An Exchange on Foundations, Faith, and Community , ISBN: 978-90-420-3447-1, xiv + 294 pp.Joseph A. Buijs - 2013 - Sophia 52 (4):701-709.
    This critical review of Responses to the Enlightenment focuses on the relationship between faith and reason as advanced by Hendrick Hart and William Sweet, respectively. It does so in the context of Enlightenment critique of faith, from which both Hart and Sweet seek to salvage religious faith. While faith as trust is admitted to be performative (Hart), faith is also belief with cognitive content (Sweet). However, faith and reason, as I contend, stand in a dialectical relationship between the need for (...)
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  37.  60
    A Geometrical Syllogism : Posterior Analytics II, 11.Joseph A. Novak - 1978 - Apeiron 12 (2):26.
  38.  21
    Effects of constant delay of reinforcement on acquisition asymptote and resistance to extinction.Joseph A. Sgro, James A. Dyal & Ernest J. Anastasio - 1967 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 73 (4p1):634.
  39. Response and Responsibility: Chou Tun-i and Neo-Confucian Resources for Environmental Ethics.Joseph A. Adler - 1998 - In John Berthrong & Mary Evelyn Tucker, Confucianism and Ecology: The Interrelation of Heaven, Earth, and Humans. Harvard Univ Ctr for The. pp. 123-149.
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  40. The Great Virtue of Heaven and Earth: Deep Ecology in the Yijing.Joseph A. Adler - 2014 - In James Miller, Religion and Ecological Sustainability in China.
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  41.  72
    Dependent Co-Origination and Universal Intersubjectivity.Joseph A. Bracken - 2007 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 27 (1):3-9.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Dependent Co-Origination and Universal IntersubjectivityJoseph A. Bracken, SJTwo essays in a recent issue of Buddhist-Christian Studies dealt with the topic "Buddhist and Christian Views of Community." The first essay, by Rita Gross, was a careful analysis of the way in which the separation of home and workplace in contemporary Western society has tended to reduce effective community life to the nuclear family and thus pose significant disadvantages to everyone (...)
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  42.  83
    Economic Philosophy, Integrity Capacity and Global Business Citizenship.Joseph A. Petrick & John F. Quinn - 2007 - The Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy 5:187-194.
    The authors delineate the nature and neglect of integrity capacity and global business citizenship by world business leaders. They discuss how the philosophical analysis of moral and economic complexity enhances judgment integrity capacity and global business citizenship. Finally, the authors recommend positive action steps to improve global business citizenship and leadership integrity capacity through a balanced and inclusive pluralistic economic philosophy.
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  43. Introduction to Part one: All you have is the text: Paul Ricoeur's relationship with The Sacred.Joseph A. Edelheit & James Moore - 2024 - In Joseph A. Edelheit, James Moore & Mark I. Wallace, Refiguring the sacred: conversations with Paul Ricoeur. Lanham: Lexington Books.
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    Reading Scripture with Paul Ricoeur.Joseph A. Edelheit & James F. Moore (eds.) - 2021 - Lexington Books.
    This unique edited collection illuminates Paul Ricoeur's engagement with Scripture. The contributors include one of the primary translators, several who studied at the University of Chicago, and some of this generation's noted Ricoeur scholars. The essays discuss Hebrew and Christian Scripture, hermeneutics, and biblical scholarship.
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  45.  28
    Sailing to Byzantium: Issues in religious education.Joseph A. Diorio - 1978 - British Journal of Educational Studies 26 (3):247-262.
  46.  20
    Universal Analogy and the Culture of the Renaissance.Joseph A. Mazzeo - 1954 - Journal of the History of Ideas 15 (1/4):299.
  47.  56
    Whiteheadian Metaphysics, General Relativity, and String Theory.Joseph A. Bracken - 2014 - Process Studies 43 (2):129-143.
    String theory is often depicted as the best chance for natural science to find a Theory of Everything. Whiteheadians may object that only a philosophical cosmology such as Whitehead presents in PR can “frame a coherent, logical, necessary system of general ideas in terms of which every element of our experience can be interpreted” (PR 3). But then they have to show that Whitehead’s scheme and string theory fit together nicely, with each helping to resolve residual problem areas in the (...)
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  48.  18
    Incomplete Contracts Theories of the Firm and Comparative Corporate Governance.Joseph A. McCahery & William W. Bratton - 2001 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 2 (2).
    This article draws on key models of monitoring and blockholding articulated in the incomplete contracts theory of the firm. Under incomplete contracts theory, different governance systems have incentive structures that entail different tradeoffs—tradeoffs between ownership concentration and liquidity, between monitoring and management initiative, and between private rent-seeking and activity benefiting shareholders as a group. The tradeoffs delimit opportunities for productive cross-reference. More specifically, blockholder systems, such as those in Europe, subsidize monitoring by permitting blockholders to reap private benefits of control (...)
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  49.  17
    Commentary on Hoffmann.Joseph A. Novak - unknown
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    Commentary on Rose.Joseph A. Novak - unknown
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